The Hip-Hop Hour

Camp Lo- Regulate
March 9, 2009, 5:01 pm
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You need to check this song out. I’ve listened to it probably about a dozen times in the last day and a half. Great beat, solid hook, and the verses are pretty catchy too. Before listening to most of their debut today, I only knew these guys from Aesop Rock’s “Limelighters” and Kidz in the Hall’s “Snob Hop”. Wikipedia says their lyrics are made up of “Blaxploitation-style Dadaist slang”. How come no one tries to conjure of the spectre of dada for Lil Wayne? Anyways, if you want to download the track, just head over to Nah Right ‘s posting of the song.

Btw, I’d have to see an interview before I buy that dadaist slang apologism (say that word out loud), but it sure sounds good.

Update: Lil Wayne was called a “dreadlocked dadaist poet” by Jody Rosen in Rolling Stone‘s review of Tha Carter III. And now that we’re totally off-topic, here is a pretty cool article talking about Lil Wayne, Jay-Z and elitist hipster bloggers (ahem Pitchfork ahem). Be sure to read the comments at the bottom for further intelligent discussion.