The Hip-Hop Hour

Farewell, Cruel World!
May 6, 2009, 8:37 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , ,

Yes, graduation is upon me. After tomorrow all that is left is the formality of a ceremony, and I will be freed from the bonds of Truman State University. I have enjoyed my time here, but you’ll find no sentimentalism in these pages. Should you desire that, I encourage you to follow me to my new blog, Sometimes a Great Blog, where you can keep up with the occurrences of my new life. The Hip-Hop Hour was a great moment for me, and I hope that you, my loyal listeners, enjoyed the ride. Thank you KTRM for allowing me to work (barely) for my scholarship, thank you Ira, and all other guest hosts, but especially thank you listeners, for this show would never have become what it did without your support and love.
